Homeplace offering FREE Dementia Webinar

            When family members’ first start seeing the effects of dementia on their elder loved one, they may have many different emotional responses. They may be angry that this is occurring with their mother or father. They may feel that it’s unfair. They may feel sad when watching their loved one’s mental capacities slip away. The most overarching feeling, though, is probably confusion. Why is this happening to my father? What can I do to help him through this? Without researched and thorough answers, a family member or caregiver may not handle the new reality of their loved one in the most appropriate way. 

            The Homeplace of Henderson started its monthly virtual dementia webinar in July to both answer these types of questions and give support to those who have a person with dementia in their lives. In each webinar we will tackle a new subject. The format will involve introductions and then education/information. The last half will be dedicated to answering any questions, including those associated with that night’s topic and any others attendees may have. 

            Some of our staff at the Homeplace have completed training from the National Council of Certified Dementia Practitioners. Much of the topics and research for the webinars will be provided by the NCCDP. Supplemental education will be provided by our Homeplace staff members’ years of experience working with people with dementia. 

            During the first webinar in July, we dealt with many questions about dementia, and specifically, in light of the current pandemic. We stressed that because of dementia, and now the precautions many are taking because of the pandemic, even more seniors with dementia are dealing with isolation. That causes even steeper mental declines and could lead to depression.  We urged participants to continue to check in on their senior citizen neighbors and help them get what they need.

            In our August webinar, we will discuss personal care of people with dementia. Many times seniors with dementia don’t bathe as frequently or may not change their clothes on a daily basis. They may stop using deodorant, or men might shave less frequently. Reasons for this include they may not remember to do this, or they may not believe anyone is going to visit them that day. One of the main points we want to hit on is how to effectively deal with this and help our seniors with dementia continue to live high-quality lives. 

            The webinars are for anyone interested, including loved ones, caregivers, and family members. 

            The next virtual webinar will be Tuesday, August 11th via ZOOM at 6 p.m. Please register in advance by copy and pasting the link into your web browser to register: 

Registration Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/meeting/register/tZModu6orjkqHNPbZa0-Vcvzxl-6_OsBkPM_

To contact the Homeplace of Henderson, email Jessica Beaven, B.S., C.D.P, S.R.N.A. at jessica.beaven@homeplaceofhenderson.com or call at (270) 577-0534.

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