Laughter is Everywhere!

            Many counselors and psychologists will tell you that the happiest people are those who laugh the most. Of course, you don’t need to hear that from someone with an advanced degree to understand it’s true. That’s just common sense. If you laugh, you’ll be happy. If you laugh more, you’ll be happier. 

            This everyday release of emotion is something we strive for at the Homeplace of Henderson. We want our staff to enjoy coming to work. We want to have fun with our residents. We want all of us to enjoy being where we are.

            Part of this desire to laugh can be seen in our mission statement:

Our mission is to create a family culture that embodies quality care, unmatched service, and innovative technology to enrich the lives of those we serve and employ.

            Let’s pick a few words and phrases from that. First, there’s ‘family culture.’ We hope that our residents were part of a family that laughed, had fun, and enjoyed being with each other. If not, they will once they move to the Homeplace.

            Part of providing ‘quality care’ is to serve with smiles on our faces and enjoy every bit of what we do. A positive attitude not only helps the people we serve, but also us, the staff.

            And ‘to enrich the lives of those we serve and employ’ speaks to both staff and residents, as previously mentioned. Undoubtedly, one way to enrich each other is to laugh with each other. 

            But, of course, not every day is fun, despite all our efforts. Some days, the care that our staff must give is a tremendous struggle, and an employee just wants to throw in the towel and run home. Laughter helps.

            Even worse, there are days when one of our residents dies. It happens, it has to happen. It’s never fun and always difficult to accept. Again, laughter helps, even in difficult times like these.

            We remember that making someone smile or laugh can sometimes make their entire day special. And a laugh and a smile are contagious. If we can get one, then for sure it’ll spread, and then spread again, and that’s what we want—to create joy.  

To contact the Homeplace of Henderson, email Jessica Beaven at or call at (270) 577-0534. 

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