Reminder: Virtual Sessions

            As the days fall away and we near our opening date, we felt like it was important that everyone interested in Homeplace know—if they don’t know already—about the virtual support services we continue to provide. Many of our blog readers already know this, and some have taken part in these sessions. 

            1 Virtual Dementia Seminar

            This seminar occurs the second Tuesday of every month from 6-7 p.m. Our next session will be Feb. 9.

            In these sessions, we provide education about specific topics for caregivers and family members of someone diagnosed with dementia. Past topics have included personal care assistance, end-of-life concerns, pain and how to alleviate pain, and wandering and hoarding behaviors. 

            We normally begin the virtual dementia seminars with a presentation about a specific concern, as those mentioned above. After the presentation, we open the floor for questions about the presentation and then about anything dealing with dementia.

            The Feb. 9 seminar will feature a representative of PCA Pharmacy who will talk about medications, and more specifically, the better times of day to take them, proper administering of medications, and more detailed conversations to assist those at home with daily medications administration. 

            2 Caregiver Support Group

            This session occurs the third Tuesday of every month from 8-9 a.m. Our next caregiver support group will be Feb. 16.

            This session is designed to give caregivers a safe place to discuss problems and concerns. Sometimes all a caregiver needs is to be heard and get support, and this is where they can get that. This is usually a session in which we open it up with any and all questions or calls for help and let the conversation go from there. It’s not scripted. Often, participants make connections and form relationships that help them with their caregiving. Additionally, Homeplace always offers services outside of these meetings for extra help.

            3 Virtual Conversations about Homeplace

            These sessions occur the second Thursday of every month from 5-7 p.m. The next will be Feb. 11. 

            In these, we allow individuals to set 30-minute appointments for one-on-one sessions. The topic is everything you want to know about Homeplace: cost, community, living arrangements, care available, and more. An individual can also get put on our interested list. We will contact people on this list in April to begin taking deposits for spots at Homeplace when we open later in spring. 

            To register for any of these sessions, please email or call Jessica Beaven and she will make sure you get registered. Stay well! 

To contact the Homeplace of Henderson, email Jessica Beaven at or call at (270) 577-0534

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