Homeplace staff goes above and beyond!

“The staff at Homeplace always go above and beyond to make us feel comfortable. We are always doing something if we want to. I love when my family comes and visits also.” – Fred Barnett 

Happy Halloween! Here at the Homeplace we have been very busy preparing for the holiday. Fall is in full swing here at Homeplace, and we have been enjoying every minute of it. We have done so many things since our last update – where to begin? Let’s start off with our annual Fall Festival that we hosted again this year. We invited all of our residents and their families to celebrate and we had a blast! We were serving hotdogs and hamburgers fresh off the grill, as well as baked beans, chips, and more! We had a huge turnout for this event this year, one resident had his entire extended family show up and participate! We also had a fresh hot apple cider bar set up for residents and their families, as well as a hot chocolate bar. To finish off the night with some activities, we enjoyed some pumpkin painting as well as our famous hayride around the Homeplace. This event is special because it involves all of our families to enjoy this time of year.

Moving onward into the celebratory week we had at Homeplace, we had a wonderful turn out for our Trick-or-Treaters this year! The day before Halloween, we had 2nd grade students from Spottsville Elementary show up in their cutest costumes to visit the residents. The buses lined up at Homeplace and the kids were in awe to see how large Homeplace is, many asked if this was a mansion! The kids lined up and divided up into groups to go down each of our apartment halls to see smiling eager residents, ready to hand out candy! Just on this day alone – our residents gave out over 500 pieces of candy! It wasn’t even Halloween yet, but to the residents this was the highlight of their day. On Halloween, we had even more little visitors come to see all of the residents! In the morning we had 2nd grade students from Bend Gate Elementary show up ready to trick or treat and meet our residents. Our residents were overjoyed to share the holiday giving out candy to the little ones, and they had another opportunity to do just that before lunch. Last but not least, we had kindergarteners come from East Heights Elementary and they were adorable! Many of the kids were dressed up as variations of their favorite characters and could not have been more thrilled to be getting candy from the residents.

Overall the past few weeks have been busier than ever, as always! On top of all of our festivities, we have enjoyed our daily bingo, our weekly live music, Zumba and chair exercises, crafts, and tons more. Homeplace is home to us and we sure love it here and look forward to more memories upcoming with the holidays. 

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